Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Labor Thanksgiving Day

Today for Labor Thanksgiving Day (勤労感謝の日) we had no class, so a group of us went down to Osaka to see the aquarium.


Creepy stuff we saw on the way...

It's next to a giant Ferris wheel so it was pretty easy to find. To get there, we had to take a train to Yodoyabashi, then transfer to the subway line to go to Honnmachi and go to Osakako from there.

We ran into Ryan at the mall/ food court in front of the aquarium.

We ate at the Subway in the food court!

Ohmigosh! Turkey! Real turkey! It was awesome!

Oh Engrish...

"Super King"

The layout of the aquarium is very interesting. You go to the top floor on a giant escalator and then make your way down the floors looking at fish.

And by "fish" I mean fish and anything else the Japanese felt like putting in the building.

River otters.

Sea otters.



sez the left penguin to his friend, "Am I late for Jazzercise?" "Nah."

Whale shark that the aquarium is famous for. It was huge!

Afterwards we went to the mall and found the Ghibli store!

Shanikia won the Most Shopping award. She out-shopped us all.

We passed the shop that had the kitties outside it again. Mama kitty was off her leash, but nearby and kitten was fast asleep. But it woke up when we approached.

So adorable! Makes me miss my kitties!

Anyways. That was my day. We're all watching Castle in the Sky right now. Gotta do my homework next...

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