Tuesday, September 14, 2010

About Classes

So, today, like most days, I went to class. I came back to the room. I ate dinner and did homework. Now I'm sitting in the common room with my laptop. The weather is wonderful outside! The rain yesterday really cooled things off.

The KGU color guard practicing.

My first class is speaking class. I'm in 2C. the A, B, and C sections of each level are "for students whose placement score was slightly below the required score to be placed in the 'regular' level." Basically I'm starting at lesson 6 and going to 15, instead of the normal class with 10-17. Which is good for me because I only learned through lesson 5.

In the speaking class, we are required to talk a lot and act out scenarios on demand. Personally, the class moves really fast for me and I'm having a hard time with it.

Poster in the CIE. We saw the movie at Tatsuya the other day and rented it for no good reason other than we had seen the poster. Haven't watched it yet, but will soon. :)
My popular media and culture class. It's an odd mix of art history, anthropology, and modern media studies. I really like the class. We compare the media and art of the past with that of the present and question it's influences and methodology. And we get to watch anime in class! Yay!
My other classes I didn't have today. I did have SUMI E, but I already posted pictures on it.

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